Consett FOCUS Team
Your Liberal Democrat Councillors and campaigners are working all year round in your local area.
The Liberal Democrats are standing up for residents across Consett. Kathryn Rooney and Dominic Haney have been campaigning with our local community to successfully stop the plans for an incinerator, to keep pressuring MPs not to break their pledge to rebuild Shotley Bridge Hospital, and to end rip-off private car park charges in town.
At the same time, Dominic and Kathryn have been working hard to cut fly-tipping, to tackle anti-social behaviour, and to revive our town centre with special market days and by re-opening the Middle Street arcade.
Keep in Touch
We keep in touch via our regular FOCUS newsletter, which is distributed by a network of volunteers. If you can help delivering a few leaflets in your area - or you would like to support our work in any other way - then please do let us know!
We are also keen to keep in touch by e-mail - so sign up below if you'd like us to send you emails.